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In my life, I had a chance to travel along the coasts of Italy and France, and I feel so lucky to have been able to admire the wonderful scenery of those places, their beautiful coasts, and feel the amazing atmosphere and harmony.

I felt that I absorbed everything I saw during my voyage: water, boats, architecture. So later I could express all my impressions in picturesque paintings. I tried to show the beauty and freshness of the places I visited by painting the contrast between centuries-old architecture frozen in time and modern bright boats and trendy people, as well as the wind, the sun, the waves, and the embankments.





In my life, I had a chance to travel along the coasts of Italy and France, and I feel so lucky to have been able to admire the wonderful scenery of those places, their beautiful coasts and feel the amazing atmosphere and harmony.

I felt that I absorbed everything I saw during my voyage: water, boats, architecture. So later I could express all my impressions in picturesque paintings. I tried to show the beauty and freshness of the places I visited by painting the contrast between centuries-old architecture frozen in time and modern bright boats and trendy people, as well as the wind, the sun, the waves, and the embankments.



Flowers are beautiful. I love them. Flowers are a fragile and delicate creation of Nature and God. I admire flowers and try to convey their beauty as a poet.

I paint a random collection of objects in front of me – a still life. Sometimes these items inspire me to convey them in colors on the canvas. Then I stir my paints and paint a still life. It's interesting to throw objects around my picture and admire it.


How different cities are! There are big and small ones, noisy and quiet ones, and cozy and chaotic ones. There are cities with huge avenues and pretentious streets, and there are cities that are atmospheric and original. We all live in such different cities and such different countries. 

I traveled a lot. Cities impressed me, and they left an imprint on my work. People leave their imprint on the planet by creating architecture - old and new, large forms and small. And I'm an artist. I leave my imprint on the world through my paintings.



Man is surrounded by nature and animals. I often resort to praising the nature of the sea, mountains, forests, and fields in my work. My paintings show how beautiful the Earth is, and how important it is for us to protect it. It's incredibly easy to damage natural order and to lose balance in the universe God has created.

 I love animals very much. In my pictures, I often show domestic animals who become people's close friends. I love horses, donkeys, cats, and dogs. These animals are loyal and kind, they help people. Sometimes I picture animals allegorically, and their images look similar to those of people. Additionally, I often paint fish and birds. They are free. They have no borders in their swimming and flying.



This page was born out of my friends' love for my "Oriental motifs" series, where cute donkeys are portrayed. These loyal and kind animals are great helpers and true friends to people. This section contains the pictures from the General series "Oriental motifs", which are of great importance to me.

​I was born in the Middle East, in Uzbekistan. This is a bright and original country with a distinctive culture and good people. Since childhood, I have been absorbing the colors of the East, its sunshine and beauty, and its amazing way of life. Moreover, I traveled a lot in this region and nearby countries. These childhood emotions were very strong, and they are still green in my mind.

Now I live in the North, in St. Petersburg, Russia, where the sky is mostly gray and cold and where there's quite a little sunshine. But even now I often resort to the memories of my Sunny Homeland and its colors, and these memories are expressed in my today's paintings dedicated to the East.



Sometimes I paint people's portraits. My main interest is, undoubtedly, the person. The man, different types of men and women, all of them contribute to my work. Images of people are many-sided and complex, people are all very different. I like to unravel the psychological image of a person, their emotions, and feelings. A person is complex and beautiful at the same time. I believe the highest scale in visual art is to paint a person as an image in the likeness of God!



I spent four years in Italy, at the Pontifical Cultural Research Center. I lived with religious people, and at the same time, I studied at the Pontifical Gregorian University. Before that, I traveled a lot to monasteries and churches in Russia, studied the culture, faith, and art of the Church, and I talked a lot with experienced Christians – priests, monks, and elders. All these impressions and knowledge touched me to the bottom of my heart. As a result, my religious paintings were born. It became very important for me to reflect on God and the origins of faith, to absorb the purity of ancient culture, and then express it in colors on canvases.

I am a peaceful man! I love and appreciate peace on the planet among people! How fragile our little globe is! How easy it is to disrupt and destroy everything! It happened so that I saw the war. This was in Afghanistan. I saw grief and death. I was shocked and filled with emotions. Since then, I have become a peacemaker artist! War is terrible, I am certain of that! In this section, there are my paintings dedicated to this complex topic, my allegories and thoughts in colors on canvases. To avoid war and promote peace in the world, we need to talk about it!



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